thandie newton pic

thandie newton pic. Thandie Newton
  • Thandie Newton

  • Nicolasdec
    Jan 9, 05:29 PM
    i was whatching it and it ****ed up in the middle

    thandie newton pic. ladies like Thandie Newton
  • ladies like Thandie Newton

  • Dreamo84
    Mar 19, 12:02 AM
    I just got my iPhone 4 on Verizon, and I mentioned it to a guy at work. Just you know, I was excited mentioned I got it. First thing he says "iPhone sucks, Droid is way better."

    People are idiots, I could have been happy with a Droid but I made my choice. I dont know why people gotta take it so personal.

    thandie newton pic. Thandie Newton
  • Thandie Newton

  • puckhead193
    Mar 18, 07:05 PM
    i used to hate iphone owners (because i wanted one) but now that I have the perfect phone i'm happy and don't care what people say.

    thandie newton pic. Thandie Newton#39;s long blunt
  • Thandie Newton#39;s long blunt

  • kcmac
    Mar 28, 06:33 PM
    Hyperbole.. dear lord - over exaggeration.

    * use your favourite mac listing website of your choice - you only need to find a few, and they don't take long to find. Only need to do this once.

    * Pretty much all companies allow you to re-download, so no need to worry there.

    * a lot of software listing sites allow reviews, for example, mac update, versiontracker

    * most software companies use reputable payment processors, larger companies often use their own - and can be trusted.

    * UNLIKE, the mac appstore, you can very often download TRIAL versions so you can TRY BEFORE you BUY!

    Sure, the mac app store is convenient, but shouldn't be relied upon as the only source of software due to its limitations and limited software listings.

    If someone never ventures out side the appstore then they'll miss out on gems such as 1Password, Launchbar, bettertouchtool... and many others.

    Thank you for a nice post. More of these please. No sarcasm.

    thandie newton pic. Thandie Newton wallpaper
  • Thandie Newton wallpaper

  • ctdonath
    Oct 1, 02:07 PM
    Wonder what the stairway leads to?

    Basement. Follow the Gizmodo links and you'll find the rather uninteresting floorplan thereof.

    thandie newton pic. Hot Thandie Newton
  • Hot Thandie Newton

  • zephxiii
    Jan 8, 11:04 AM
    Interesting that the original post in this thread states that it is indeed an LTE Verizon iPhone. That seems to coincide with the video of the parts that were leaked on youtube a couple days ago, showing a sim card slot on the new phone. I think I read somewhere that LTE phones require a sim card, and also, LTE is capable of simultaneous voice/data. The stars seem to be aligning.

    The sim slot doesn't prove LTE, if anything it proves international GSM/HSPA roaming.

    thandie newton pic. Thandie Newton
  • Thandie Newton

  • Bregalad
    Apr 16, 04:23 PM
    I don't see how they would go back to angles after touting the more curved and comfortable 3G / 3GS back. There was a big focus on how much more comfortable the new iPhone was to hold compared to the first.

    The iPod touch is a different beast. The second generation has a nicer feel around the screen, but the smooth rounded back makes it harder to hold. Fortunately there are some really good cases out there to rectify the situation.

    thandie newton pic. Thandie Newton Shows Great
  • Thandie Newton Shows Great

  • BBA
    Nov 24, 07:32 PM
    apple's canada store is also down...

    It is up now. I just ordered 2 iPod nano's off of it.

    thandie newton pic. Thandie Newton
  • Thandie Newton

  • spydr
    Oct 5, 08:39 PM
    So when will Real be dead? I have a feeling that after our inevitable nuclear war, it'll just be cockroaches, twinkies and them. At least they'll be in good company.LMAO:D :D :D :D

    thandie newton pic. Thandie Newton
  • Thandie Newton

  • gugy
    Oct 17, 05:27 PM
    this whole war just upsets me.
    I would love to have a disc that I could back up 100gig of data at a reasonable price ($10/$15 disc) and not to worry about which to choose. Blu-ray or HD-DVD.
    Meanwhile I'll keep buying my 300gb drives at Fry's for less than $80 and use it for back-up and storage.
    I hope the hybrid players and hopefully recorders will stop this crap.

    thandie newton pic. thandie newton pic. why
  • thandie newton pic. why

  • DiamondMac
    Mar 25, 11:33 AM
    The ability to know that my computer will load, not break down, etc...has been price-less for me with Mac OS's

    Love it and will continue using it

    thandie newton pic. Thandie Newton
  • Thandie Newton

  • ArtOfWarfare
    Sep 28, 01:15 PM
    No screening room (

    Thats not apart of what a home should be. Homes are for eating, sleeping, loving, and relaxing. A screening room is for... Well, none of those.

    thandie newton pic. thandie newton mr skin
  • thandie newton mr skin

  • Hovey
    Jul 21, 03:12 PM
    Apple should simply focus on resolving their own issues. It's not their job to be the "tattle tell" police pointing out problems or potential problems with their competitors. The press and/or markets will uncover issues with Apple competitors.

    They weren't doing it for that purpose. It was to show people that it's a common problem with physics no matter who makes the phone. People were thinking that only Apple's iPhone has the problem and they were simply saying, no, it's not because it's apple product, it's because it's a cell phone.

    thandie newton pic. photo of Thandie Newton
  • photo of Thandie Newton

  • br-
    Aug 8, 02:36 AM
    The Cinema Displays aren't for general consumers like most of you posting in this thread. They're for professionals who need even backlighting, excellent color accuracy, and a large viewing angle. That's why Apple charges a premium for them. If you don't care about these things get a Dell.

    However, Apple monitors (especially the 23") have had issues with a pink/yellow hue. Hopefully these issues are resolved with the new panels.

    thandie newton pic. her kids Thandie Newton is
  • her kids Thandie Newton is

  • twoodcc
    May 12, 05:54 PM
    well i'm just having all kinds of problems. i noticed i had 2 of my systems down! the alienware and the home built rig - both were running 3.7 ghz, go figure.

    so i decided to drive the 1.5 hours back to my apartment and check on them. i drove thru a storm to get here, and the power had flickered! so everything, including my server had restarted! good thing i decided to make the drive.

    so hopefully i can get things straight here, and then i still gotta drive back and go to work in the am

    thandie newton pic. Thandie Newton Naked Pictures,
  • Thandie Newton Naked Pictures,

  • mcmlxix
    Apr 5, 04:50 PM
    �iAd Gallery is a free download.� I would certainly hope so.

    Could you imagine a TV channel that is nothing but ads? In a way QVC/HSN are a little bit like that. I just hope iAD Gallery won�t be hawking porcelain figurines, food dehydrators, and authentic, genuine, faux diamonelle rings.

    Oh yeah�what would I do oo oo for a Klondike Bar.

    thandie newton pic. Thandie Newton plays sexy
  • Thandie Newton plays sexy

  • dangermoose
    May 3, 10:19 PM
    Pity I can't buy the product.

    Why are Apple spending so much money on advertising when they can't even keep up with demand? Makes no sense.

    thandie newton pic. thandie newton full loosely
  • thandie newton full loosely

  • GeekLawyer
    May 3, 02:33 PM
    Where I live, and with the operator I use, this isn't out of the contract though. I don't know which contract you have.You should consider yourself lucky then. This story is about places where your situation is not the case.

    thandie newton pic. PARIS: THANDIE NEWTON as

  • timerollson
    Apr 13, 02:54 PM
    Asstel: When you just got's ta get that booty...

    Reminds of that commercial for "Aciphex" (pronounced ASS EFFECTS).

    Apr 27, 11:34 AM
    I see where you going wlh99, and don't worry.. my full intention is to learn, not to get code from all of you. Many people in this thread underestimate my knowledge of objective C (and I understand why, I got lost with the pointers). I have 2 1/2 months since I started development and had 0 idea of the language or programming (I was a Pastry Chef actually :D, which is the name of my first app).

    Believe me when I tell you that I know what's going on with my code. I'm aware that If you release an object that it doesn't exist you'll get an exception every time.

    Making it work is a lot less important than knowing how to do it, for future work.

    Back to the Code, let me go give it try.. b-back


    Ok, it doesn't crash now but timer still won't restart. I'm going to create another timer object (not pointer, I'll use the same pointer). I get this idea that I can't reuse or reset the same timer over again (invalidating and releasing it only pauses the timer). Wish me luck :)

    Good luck.

    Post your echoIt: method. If you are displaying elapsed seconds or something, the code to calculate and display that might be your issue.

    Sep 12, 06:33 AM
    I cant believe how much press Apple is getting. It was never like this before. IE. when the battery recall was on the news, the BBC/ITV were camped outside of Regent street's Apple store talking about the batteries and what went wrong and what not, even though Dell was involved too. Bit harsh I think.

    But, it still suprises me about people and their iPods. I was at college the other day and someone had their iPod out. I pulled my first Gen iPod out my pocket and said "Now this is old school. You can only use this with a Mac" and the student said to me "Whats a Mac?"

    After explaining that the iPod is made by a company called Apple, which has made PC's since the 70/80s, he then replied... "oooh, those computers are rubbish"

    yeah, whatever you say mate...

    EDIT: sorry, just a rant really... but on topic!

    Dec 25, 04:41 PM
    Yes they do. BUT not when it means a crap ass experience for the customer. Because that just results in returns, complaints etc. LTE right now is only in a handful of major cities and not even perfect coverage there.

    Verizon's LTE covers about as many people now, as AT&T's 3G did back when the iPhone 3G came out.

    Apple is not just about pro-user experience. They also make decisions based on saving money (no 3G chip at first) and gaining market access (disabling WiFi for China at first).

    My understanding is that LTE is a whole new language, totally different from both CDMA and GSM. So phones would be, for a time, dual chips.


    In the same way there is 4g in the sense of 4th generation which is an improvement over the 3rd generation. and 4g which is 4th generation AND a particular minimum level of speed etc. And so say the naysayers, many folks saying '4g' mean the former and not the latter.


    Apr 8, 08:15 PM

    Apr 8, 01:57 PM
    Promotion: Best Buy would like you to pay for an iPad 2 in get on a list, that may get one by Aug. Oh, and uh...a free keychain too.

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