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  • Unggoy Murderer
    Apr 29, 03:10 PM
    To the people posting screenshots: You do know that you're breaking the non disclosure agreement you made with Apple when you signed up for the Mac Dev Program? If they track you down, the small print pretty much says they can do very evil things to you. Tred carefully, it's likely Apple will be watching out for people like you.

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  • jonharris200
    Jan 5, 04:34 PM
    guys don't forget also to quit your chat aps.

    u wait 3 hours for the stream and then...
    an ichat message pops up...
    "Hi buddy. I just went down to the apple store and now I'm writing to you with my new iPhone. Yeah.
    Wanna come over and check it out?"

    Also switch off mobile, unplug landline, wear iPod, raise volume, close curtains, disconnect TV, put head under pillow, sing loudly ... and retreat to a remote Hebridean island until the keynote is posted.

    Alternatively, if you're feeling more extreme...

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  • georgethomas
    Apr 7, 09:02 PM
    Mobile ADs! It is pretty distinctive because 20% of consumer will open an email ad meanwhile 97% will view a mobile ad. Such a big contrast!

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  • Markleshark
    Sep 12, 06:29 AM
    I think/hope it will be included in iTunes. Not that it matters to me I guess, I wont buy films off it.


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  • inket
    Apr 13, 02:54 PM
    Seriously ? You are comparing Windows' networking to that of OS X ? Huge difference.

    How many menus do you have to go through to share a folder ? Change an IP address ? Change networks order ?

    Can you even change interfaces (or "service") order ? I like my Mac to use Ethernet for Internet when I'm connected to both Ethernet and Wifi. Can Windows do that ?

    Can you set up "Locations" ? No, not that stupid "Home, Work, Public" wannabe-secure popup-everytime BS.

    Not even going to talk about system-wide proxies. Those that Windows apps ignore all the time.

    Windows PCs with enabled File Sharing (or whatever they call it, that new confusing Homegroup with a code or password or something) show up in Finder's sidebar. "It just works".

    As for low transfer speeds, that could've been Windows' fault. I had the same; couldn't copy files to a friend's laptop at higher rates than 250KB/s and restarting Windows fixed it.

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  • Feng Shui
    Sep 28, 10:21 PM
    omg Steve Jobs please build myHouse.


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  • definitive
    Apr 15, 03:51 PM
    why even bother posting these fake pictures?

    monochrome noise filter in photoshop, anyone?

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  • John Purple
    Jan 15, 03:40 PM
    Not overly excited about the keynote.

    Yes, which is why the $20 iPod touch apps update is �12.99 over here, instead of �10.20 which is what the exchange rate demands. Even with some made up tax, it's another example of "rip-off Britain".

    It's even worse on the continent: EUR 2,268 excl. VAT in Germany which equals $ 3,356 for a standard MBP 17" (US store: $ 2,799)

    BTW $ 2,112 excl. VAT for MBA in Europe !!! Ridiculous.


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  • kalsta
    Apr 30, 12:31 PM
    I positively loathe the look of the "new" iCal and Address Book. It looks like a design from the mid 90's. I cannot comprehend how a company who goes for a clean, smooth, modern aesthetic could produce a faux leather interface and think that meshes with that aesthetic. This is something I would expect from Palm or Microsoft. But Apple? I'm amazed by how off the mark this is. :confused:

    Where were you through the whole brushed metal saga? I was so glad when that finally died in Leopard!

    Don't worry… Apple does its fair share of kitsch. Just look at the bookshelf UI of iBooks. Meanwhile, Microsoft did some pretty slick design on the Windows Phone 7 UI. What's the world coming to, right?

    But you know, it's kitsch done pretty well at least, and it's kind of fun if you don't take things too seriously. And thankfully, OS X still looks a damn site better than Windows Aero. Gosh, most backyard Windows skins look better than Aero! We still have a lot to be happy about. :)

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  • JRoDDz
    Mar 17, 08:22 AM
    Bottom line is this kid probably got fired and is now liable for $300 bucks, is seen as a thief by his family, friends and ex-coworkers, will probably hold a guilt trip for some time and probably start him down the road of failure. All this kid was doing, was trying to work at a job. Something admirable. But it's all ok. Because you have your iPad2 at a discounted price. enjoy yourself.


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  • Nekbeth
    Apr 26, 10:29 PM
    What if after pressing the start button, you create a timer and start it. Then pressing the cancel button invalidates and releases it. Then pressing the start button would create another timer, using the same pointer.

    Totally untested and probably broken code below, but should demonstrate the idea:

    -(IBAction)startButton:(id) sender {
    // myTimer is declared in header file ...

    if (myTimer!=nil) { // if the pointer already points to a timer, you don't want to create a second one without stoping and destroying the first

    [myTimer invalidate];
    [myTimer release];


    // Now that we know myTimer doesn't point to a timer already..

    myTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:aTimeInterval target:self selector:@selector(echoIt:) userInfo:myDict repeats:YES];
    [myTimer retain];

    -(IBAction)cancelIt:(id) sender {
    [myTimer invalidate];
    [myTimer release]; // This timer is now gone, and you won't reuse it.

    Update *** "I though it worked but the timer kept going on the background.

    crashed :confused:

    wlh99, do you get an exception in the invalid method " [myTimer Invalidate]" ?

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  • Puck.
    Jan 14, 01:40 PM
    Pretty sure that the "something in the air" is the stench of the hardcore fanboys leaving their parents' basements for the first time in months...


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  • marksman
    May 3, 04:56 PM
    Ok, I'm taking down the names of all the carrier defenders here.

    The next time you people bitch about the cable companies or magazine publishers charging you twice for the "one" thing you paid for I'm gonna be all over you.

    It is not a matter of being a carrier defender.

    It is a matter of being a carrier customer who does not want to have to pay more for their service because people want to steal tethering service.

    Nobody is charging you twice for one thing here.

    You are paying to use data on your mobile device. If you want to use it to link up other devices, there is a separate service for that.

    This is not exactly brain surgery here.

    I'd agree with you that there may be consideration with unlimited data plans as you might be using your phone outside the scope of what they initially envisioned when they offered you unlimited data, but those are largely a thing of the past now.

    With regards to tiered pricing, what you're suggesting is that you're not entitled to the data you paid for should you choose to use some of it for tethering. If you paid for 2 GB a month, you can damn well get 2 GB a month. 2 GB a month was the consideration they offered you. It's none of your concern if the carrier sold it to you with the assumption that you'd only use 500 MB a month. They can't charge you more because your tethering makes you more likely to approach the 2 GB cap they offered you.

    Sure they can.. For one they can just raise the price. They never sold you the data to be used with tethering in the first place. They sold you data to be used strictly with your registered mobile device. That is clearly outlined in the contract you signed with them. It is crystal clear.

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  • yg17
    Mar 4, 12:11 PM
    If you can find more recent generic ballot data, I'd love to see it.

    Even if the graph was up-to-date as of today it would still not indicate one way or another what would happen in 2012, but rather just give us some general perception as to where the trend is headed, just like the graph I posted. A day, a week, a month... and certainly a year is a LIFETIME in politics.

    Just because you can't find any recent polling doesn't mean old data is meaningful in any way. The republican thugs have been in control of the house for 2 months (a LIFETIME in politics) and public opinion changes quickly.

    But if believing that 6 month old polling data helps predict an election nearly 2 years away helps you sleep at night, then by all means, the republicans are going to win every single house and senate seat and the presidency :rolleyes:


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  • MattInOz
    Sep 29, 01:21 AM
    Does Stevey know feng shui?

    Clearly not there is nothing to stop the evil spirits flying in when you open the front door.

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  • SilentPanda
    Apr 21, 12:03 PM
    It may be that the backend has a different value stored than what displayed in your cached version. Honestly I know about as much of the system as you do. I haven't seen that behavior exhibited but I do thank you for bringing it up so that it can be looked into.


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  • Neodym
    Oct 3, 05:01 PM
    This will be the first time ever, regular people will stop waiting for their computer to work, even when using multiple applications.

    Umm - sorry to destroy your illusion here, but Amiga made that possible already in 1985! This was thanks to true preemptive multitasking (while Classic MacOS sported cooperative multitasking only, up to OS9). No matter how big the workload and with several applications open at the same time an Amiga would react instantly to any user action!

    Even today a 50MHz Amiga with 128Mb of Ram often feels a lot more responsive than a 2.000+MHz beast with 1GB of Ram in a "modern" computer. Granted - todays GUIs are more complex as well, but still...

    So with the new era of multi-core machines the "rest of the (home)computerworld" will finally have come on par with what Amiga could offer more than 20 years ago already!


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  • pondosinatra
    May 2, 03:47 PM
    Weird, I don't know anyone who owns a truck. But that's irrelevant anyway. You can't really think that there are as many trucks as there are automobiles around. :)

    Apparently you've never been to Calgary...

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  • dyler
    Oct 8, 12:50 PM
    This is false advertising, Verizon does not have that 3G coverage and ATT has more than that. Verizon is the worst service I have ever used with the worst Phones I have ever used, MY iPhone works in more places than my Verizon phone ever did, this is all lies and Congress should talk about that not exclusive carrier models!!

    Jan 15, 04:52 PM
    Can somebody tell me why there was no update or price drop on ACD? Why is the PRO market left to the most critical point and then updated? Mac Pro is the best example. Its a brilliant machine now but 2 weeks ago? Some of the parts were 2 years old and they still charged the same amount of money for it. Dell, HP etc. are releasing new and updated displays whilst Apple ...........sleeps?

    Apr 8, 05:42 PM
    Best Buy still sucks.

    Apr 5, 05:36 PM
    Wait....does the app have ads?

    Someone let me know if there's a paid ad-free version........

    Oct 6, 03:28 PM
    i live in the san francisco bay area ---berkeley.
    I really love my iphone and am sorely regretting that i'm going to have to give it up because of att's unacceptable lack of reliable service
    Yeah, you live in one of the two cities that AT&T repeatedly admits it's screwed up ... SF and NYC. :eek:

    A little over two weeks ago, AT&T started turning on 3G coverage on their 850mhz frequency, which has greater range. Hopefully that will impact your service positively.


    Apr 29, 07:32 PM
    I just bought a 15" MBP
    I have to pay for new Lion? to upgrade

    This is just a release for developers to test, you can get it via paying $99 for a Developer account at Developer.apple.com. It is full of bugs and other problems though. Unless you are a developer you probably won't want it right now.

    When Apple releases Lion to everyone else it will be a paid upgrade. It will probably be out later this year as the pace it is moving.

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