images of 2pac

images of 2pac. 2Pac - Ambitionz As A Fighta
  • 2Pac - Ambitionz As A Fighta

  • iMeowbot
    Oct 28, 05:44 PM
    Isn't a healthy chunk of OS X based on FreeBSD?
    Yes, big parts of it come from the BSD world.

    A free, open source Unix distro? In a sense, if they use FreeBSD and do not contribute back to the very open source community they're borrowing from, doesn't that make Apple a thief?

    The BSD terms specifically allow derivatives to keep their sources closed, as long as credit is given.

    images of 2pac. 2Pac - R.U. Still
  • 2Pac - R.U. Still

    Jan 9, 06:24 PM
    i'm 1:40 in - only one glistch and it ironed itself out.

    Full Screen QT FTW :)

    & I love all the stuff so far. :D


    Just finished - felt shorter than the 1:56 running time. Glad I waited for video - as we all knew it makes everything much clearer. Keep trying on those links if you can't get it - as Europe sleeps they will onloy get faster - night!

    images of 2pac. I have been listening to 2Pac
  • I have been listening to 2Pac

  • iphoneIA
    May 3, 11:18 PM
    A great commercial. As a teacher who is getting 30 ipads for next years students I am super pumped. These truly are the future of education and I can't wait to have my students start using them.

    images of 2pac. 2pac 1
  • 2pac 1

  • puckhead193
    Nov 23, 06:48 PM
    iPod Nano (except Reds): $138-$228

    The "red" iPod nanos and the new ipod shuffle remain at the same prices...

    that sucks! i was thinking of selling my 2gb and getting a red 4gb :mad:


    images of 2pac. 2pac tattoo. 2Pac Graffiti
  • 2pac tattoo. 2Pac Graffiti

  • Labaguette
    Apr 15, 01:40 PM
    hmm hmm hmm - this is clearly Maxwell Render ( image. Exactly the same style. sry guys, no a(luminium)Phone.

    images of 2pac. Smalls had 2Pac killed.
  • Smalls had 2Pac killed.

  • cal6n
    May 2, 10:31 AM

    The database at Apple was 'crowd sourced' and you opted in to that when you clicked on 'Accept' in the SLA, but that was a twice-per-day, anonymous, encrypted data packet sent back to HQ.


    Not quite. The data collection dialog was separate from the EULA agreement and was a voluntary opt-in. Whether you chose to opt-in or not did not affect how your device operated.

    Personally, I opted-in. I have no problem helping Apple to maintain their location database.


    images of 2pac. images of 2pac.
  • images of 2pac.

  • CorvusCamenarum
    Apr 17, 02:35 PM
    It's so refreshing to see that with their 1 in 4 illiteracy rate and 1 in 5 high school dropout rate, California really has their priorities in order when it comes to education. Well done I say.

    images of 2pac. 2pac amp; Outlawz - Life Of An
  • 2pac amp; Outlawz - Life Of An

  • takao
    Nov 28, 06:27 PM
    Make a Custom Class with Ghost, problem solved. Hell, equip that same class with the Strela, and not only will the various Choppers not shoot you, but you can then bring it down so it stops killing your team as well.

    well you mean ghost pro ... the normal one is useless against that (i already have that layout ;) )

    but seriously getting some of the perks to pro is ridiculously difficult while some others can be pro before hitting level 15
    .. i have been trying to get ghost to pro for a while now and ironically i'm stuck on destroying an enemy turrent.. which somehow aren't popular at all jsut liek the tomahawk .. while i killed perhaps 30 guys with it i haven't been killed by a single tomahawk yet despite it being perfect for those "we are losing charlie" moments

    another point of advice: don't bother with the top MP: it has only a 20 shot clip (opposed to some other MPs) and annoyingly ejects empty rounds right out of the top

    having the mp just one slot below but with increased firerate add on (IMHO the best for taking down assault rifle users on short range) and silencer is the way better gun

    in general with this being my first call of duty i have to say that my opinion of killing streaks hasn't changed at all ... it still is an invitation for camping in many, many game situations... and some of the attacks are simply ridiculous if you look at the size of some of the maps or their designs: yay for houses with no roofs/glass roofs


    images of 2pac. Listen and download 2Pac
  • Listen and download 2Pac

  • MrKobie
    Jan 12, 02:50 AM
    The iPhone looks pretty cool, but it's a logical progression - certainly not a revolution. If it was so revolutionary there wouldn't have been so many predictions about it. Instead, a lot of the predictions were actually aiming too high.

    And it really is this fan-boy attitude of 'Steve is our hero, everything he does is wonderful' that keeps apple products so expensive. If you were all a little more critical they'd have to work a little harder to earn your money.

    600 bucks for a phone (with contract) with only 8gigs of ram for my music? It's not 3G. It's got WiFi but doesn't do VOIP? I think I'll pass on this one.

    images of 2pac. 2Pac – 2 Of Amerikaz Most
  • 2Pac – 2 Of Amerikaz Most

  • BongoBanger
    Apr 11, 03:18 AM
    It was funny. Stop crying.


    images of 2pac. 2pac iPhone Wallpaper
  • 2pac iPhone Wallpaper

  • Melrose
    Mar 6, 07:02 PM
    The scary thing is is that you actually believe this nonsense.

    I think you're missing the forest for the trees. Offering near-identical features on cheap-quality devices has happened. LTD can be fanboyishly irritating (no offense) but the point stands - he didn't say there were no high-end handsets from the competition, he said companies flood the market with cheap electronics... which they do.

    images of 2pac. 2pac-Reborn | Wars Come And Go
  • 2pac-Reborn | Wars Come And Go

  • twoodcc
    Dec 10, 04:11 PM
    Yeah, that is not good. Thermal paste perhaps?

    well it could be. i didn't reapple any. and the max temp on any core has been 89 C


    images of 2pac. Graphic: 28449 (tupac 2pac)
  • Graphic: 28449 (tupac 2pac)

  • creator2456
    Apr 10, 12:36 AM
    Can you report your speeds with that whenever you get it running?

    I shall try to remember, but won't have it until Wed., won't have connection until the Monday after.

    images of 2pac. 2Pac: The Most Overrated AND
  • 2Pac: The Most Overrated AND

  • DoFoT9
    Aug 11, 09:44 PM
    i was running around 90C. i've now taken it down to just 3.9 ghz. it's still up close to around 85C. i really don't feel like messing with water cooling on this system. maybe next time

    fair call, added power, costs, fuss etcetc. not worth it i guess


    images of 2pac. 2pac - The Way He Wanted It
  • 2pac - The Way He Wanted It

  • alexprice
    Jan 9, 04:41 PM

    images of 2pac. 2Pac- Dopefiend#39;s Diner Lyrics
  • 2Pac- Dopefiend#39;s Diner Lyrics

  • bmorris
    Jan 14, 08:32 PM
    i feel bad for the motorola guy.
    but the other stuff hilarous!


    images of 2pac. TUPAC / 2PAC PC WALLPAPERS:

  • aritana
    Sep 12, 08:22 AM
    Yerba Buena means Good Herb!!!

    today SJ will release the new iPot!!!:p

    images of 2pac. 2pac quotes about life
  • 2pac quotes about life

  • munkery
    Apr 17, 06:36 PM
    How does Gnome 3.0 on Linux compare to the new UI in OSX Lion?

    I've been playing around with Gnome 3.0, and it seems like the designers have a similar philosophy about desktop navigation.

    Gnome 3.0 Preview (This is not my video):

    That's a pretty sick OS. I haven't ever run Fedora on a computer of mine, but my uncle swears by it. That video has convinced me to run it on my next box.

    I like fedora over ubuntu. I haven't run fedora for a while, I think I'll take second look when the new version comes out.

    I wish Ubuntu went with Gnome 3 over Unity. Fedora is great but it is more "free" than Ubuntu as Fedora includes fewer/no? proprietary drivers by default so it is a little bit more work to get running on some hardware.

    The next Fedora may be worth the extra effort.

    Here is a link for those looking to stay up to date on Win 8.

    Or, at least looking to retaliate?

    images of 2pac. 2pac. Tupac Amaru Shakur (June
  • 2pac. Tupac Amaru Shakur (June

  • JohnnyQuest
    Mar 17, 10:36 AM
    MacRumours also known as the moral police! lmao Cracks me up especially after all the post I have read in the past about people receiving extra computers in the mail by accident from apple!!! And if I was a troll and made this whole thing up completely, I have succeeded for sure, for laughing at all of the post in this stupid thread it has ruffled some nerves of the people at home wishing they had an Ipad, insted of posting from their Acer Netbook. This place is a joke

    How dull are you? Yep, I'm sure most people here are just typing away on their Dell's!

    Delusional much? You actually think you're better in some way for this whole scheme. Wow.

    PS- typed on my iPad :rolleyes:

    Apr 30, 07:22 AM
    Image (

    The Graphics design artist in me just had an aneurysm.

    Sep 26, 02:04 PM
    Code optimization & tweaking is always good.. very good, but you'll eventually run up against the limitations of the processor. I've been having that issue for the past two weeks here at work. Disk usage hasn't been the problem, it's just me needing more horsepower than the dual G5 can muster.

    a C2D MBP would give you what? Maybe a 20% speed bump. I doubt you'd notice except if you used a stop watch. For photographers and Videographers I doubt C2D would bing even a 20% boost as their main bottleneck is the speed of the disk.

    Try this experiment: Bring up Activity Monitor and see if the CPU is as 100% if it is not a faster CPU will do nothing for you. On a Mac the CPU is at 100% mostly when transcoding or redering, those tasks will go faster after the speed bump

    My gues is that the code re-work inside Aperture will speed things up MUCH more than a C2D could.

    Jan 15, 05:59 PM
    Compare the MBA to this sony notebook with similar specs:

    Whoa! Had no idea sub-notebooks cost that much. :eek:

    If apple is trying to break into that market then maybe they do have something in MBA.

    I think my disappointment (and that of many others) may stem from the fact that they really didn't come out with anything for me.

    TV untethered from a computer + price drop + iTunes movie rentals is interesting. So is Time Capsule. Not earth-shaking enough, though, to make me run to the apple store this instant.

    And $20 for iPod touch software. I don't own one, but I'd feel like I got screwed if I did.

    Jan 9, 03:05 PM
    Man, I can't even check my own email.

    Good thing I was squinting when I went to the page, I saw a vague picture of Steve Jobs, apple logo in background. With...well, I couldn't make it out, thank God, but even if I did I wouldn't post it here :o

    Apr 16, 05:15 PM
    Yeah, on Friday nights her boyfriend spends all his time on the internet obsessing over gay people. That has to do a lot for her self esteem. ;)
    Personal attacks are very mature.

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