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  • DavidLeblond
    Sep 12, 07:22 AM
    Aint it a bit early for that. With 5 hours to go before the event:confused: :confused:

    It's called hype, my friend.

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  • Surf Monkey
    Mar 17, 02:02 AM
    It's very hard to take anyone seriously who believes in fairy tales like karma.


    fondos de colores. fondos de colores. quagmire
  • fondos de colores. quagmire

  • dmr727
    Jul 27, 04:21 PM
    ^^^ that's what I was thinking too. This is a pretty full featured vehicle - once I start looking at all the goodies, a mid 30's price doesn't seem so out of the ballpark. I still have my prejudices against GM - but I'm really trying to give them the benefit of the doubt here.

    I'm on Honda's list for their Clarity, but I'm not holding my breath that my name will be drawn anytime soon - I meet all their 'ideal candidate' guidelines, but they seem more interested in giving the first models to celebrities. So it's nice to see some other options out there for me to mull over.

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  • fondos de colores.

  • ctdonath
    Oct 1, 02:06 PM
    I live in one of fairly many Grade II Listed ( buildings in the United Kingdom, much older but not quite as large as old Steve's, and there is no surprise when purchasing such a building that you are significantly restricted in what you can do to it.

    England has a very long history of common people being subject to the will & whim of the rich & powerful & connected.
    The USA exists precisely because some of those common people got tired of such treatment and made it clear they would do with their land what they saw fit.

    What is it about the past that you don't like, Jobs?

    How it gets in the way of the present & future.

    When people stop shelling out good money, time & resources of their own (not confiscated-at-gunpoint taxpayer funds) for old things, maybe it's time to stop preserving what people don't actually want and start replacing it. Remember, Apple does not maintain a "museum of past Apple products" because those products no longer sold are, by current standards, failures - they may have been great then, but nobody wants to put up their own money for them today.

    Yes, there is a valid argument and sociopolitical expenditure to preserve things which may not be of sustained current value. Question is where to draw the line. AFAIK, nobody actually wanted that house, and few are truly enamored by Spanish Revival architecture to a degree worth the substantial cost of preservation of such an example, and fewer still are truly enamored by the decedent who built it. The argument, IMHO, centers more around those wanting to either criticize Jobs at any opportunity, or whose relevance hinges on ability to find old homes they can spin as "historic".

    Suitable acreage is costly in that region. The cost of preserving the "interesting creation" far exceeds the cost of replacing it with another interesting creation; as none are interested in putting up the money to preserve the former, those interested in putting up the money to create the latter win.

    And yes, the old gives way to the new. Physical things are not important of themselves. It's not about wanton destruction for sake of destruction, it's about moving forward and removing obstacles thereto.


    fondos de colores. Olas de colores
  • Olas de colores

  • abhimat.gautam
    Apr 29, 02:54 PM
    Did distracting iCal go away?

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  • Fondos de pantalla de colores

  • systole
    Mar 28, 07:39 PM
    Isn't the design awards just a fancy carrot in disguise?

    Personally, I think that the biggest detriment to developers is control. If you find an app on their website, the developer controls the shopping environment, and licensee terms. By submitting their app, developers loose control first, profit second.


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  • 800x600 - Fondos 3 colores

  • flopticalcube
    Apr 13, 11:00 AM
    Airport security is on a downward spiral, they really need to rethink the approach. Basic human dignity is being trampled on, the costs involved are skyrocketing and the whole approach just adds to making air travel unpleasant.

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  • Joshuarocks
    Mar 25, 12:12 AM
    I just wanted to wish OS X a very Happy B-day!! You were the reason why I went from being a PC A+ Tech working on PC's to now a mac fanatic. Because of you I now have a better understanding of how you work and function..

    I look forward to many years more with OS X, but lest not forget also that your big brother OS 9 still loves you and that you came out of that sibling rivalry between your older brother..

    Happy Birthday to OS X and many many more!

    Proud owner of G5 Quad running OS X Tiger and Leopard, G4 Pismo running OS 9, Cheetah, Puma, Jaguar, and Tiger. Power Book G4 1.67 running Tiger on one drive and Leopard on another.. and to my Mac Pro 2010 6-core for running Snow Leopard and soon Lion..

    Unlike many of you, I consider my PPC macs and Intel brothers and not enemies.. one is not obsolete over the other.. so long as each on of these machines has life left in them(doing basics and other stuff you throw at them), they are NEVER truly obsolete. One testament as to why I really love Apple and Mac :)


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  • Eidorian
    Nov 23, 11:55 PM
    Oh nicee. The online Apple Store just went down right when I was refreshing. :DThat's a good sign. I want my sleep! *sob*

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    May 3, 09:26 PM
    Oh ya. Lets see where they go.


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  • fondos de colores. Colores

  • franmatt80
    Apr 26, 11:08 AM
    Apart from in this thread, I've hardly seen the system in use. Perhaps I'm just not visiting the right boards? Does it seem to be popular?

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  • Anthony T
    Apr 15, 10:44 PM
    As much as I hope they are fake, they look like real photos.


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  • xwk88
    May 2, 03:56 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    is there any way we can view our own tracked info. it would be cool to see where i have been.

    Do people just read the titles on these thing and forgets there is an actual article under it IT'S NOT U LOCATION!!!!!! ITS CROWD SOURCED!!!!!

    fondos de colores. fondos de colores
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  • karatekidk
    Mar 24, 03:05 PM
    Happy 10th B'day!

    Getting a bit sentimental just by thinking about what I was doing in 2001...


    fondos de colores. wall6 Fondos de colores
  • wall6 Fondos de colores

  • arn
    Nov 23, 06:38 PM
    typically you can't combine with edu discounts.


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  • chukronos
    Nov 16, 04:14 PM
    I will never buy an AMD computer again, especially in a laptop. AMDs are very hot processors and they require big fans(I learn that from my bro's Compaq), which make them thick and heavy.

    It would be best for me if we could of kept PowerPC, developed a lower powerconsuming but stil powerful G5, or Xenon(chip in XBOX 360). But intel is still got...PPC for LIFE


    fondos de colores. fondos de colores. con fondo
  • fondos de colores. con fondo

  • quagmire
    Jul 27, 11:25 AM
    Chevrolet announced the Volt will be priced at $41,000 before tax credits. You can choose to lease it for $350/month.

    fondos de colores. Torbellino de colores
  • Torbellino de colores

  • a17inchFuture
    Sep 12, 02:34 AM
    So what do people think the resolution will be, for the movies? They better be more than the current tv shows and videos.

    And honestly, I'd be upset if they only had higher resolution for movies, without upgrading the tv shows' as well.

    EDIT: also, anyone notice the convenient home release date of disney's The Wild, as tomorrow? I would be tempted to check the quality out with a CG flick, especially one I haven't seen, that coincidentally stars the vocal talent of Eddie Izzard.

    fondos de colores. en fondos con colores
  • en fondos con colores

  • wlh99
    Apr 27, 11:34 AM
    I see where you going wlh99, and don't worry.. my full intention is to learn, not to get code from all of you. Many people in this thread underestimate my knowledge of objective C (and I understand why, I got lost with the pointers). I have 2 1/2 months since I started development and had 0 idea of the language or programming (I was a Pastry Chef actually :D, which is the name of my first app).

    Believe me when I tell you that I know what's going on with my code. I'm aware that If you release an object that it doesn't exist you'll get an exception every time.

    Making it work is a lot less important than knowing how to do it, for future work.

    Back to the Code, let me go give it try.. b-back


    Ok, it doesn't crash now but timer still won't restart. I'm going to create another timer object (not pointer, I'll use the same pointer). I get this idea that I can't reuse or reset the same timer over again (invalidating and releasing it only pauses the timer). Wish me luck :)

    Good luck.

    Post your echoIt: method. If you are displaying elapsed seconds or something, the code to calculate and display that might be your issue.

    Apr 29, 02:08 PM
    Seems to be a strong update, unlike SL. SL was more a plumbing change for many things (IMO) and Lion will be making strong use of those changes. For that reason, that's why I believe it'll cost around 100 bucks.

    Aug 14, 04:20 PM
    well i added 2 more GPUs to my folding mix. i got a gtx 465 folding in the same rig as a gtx 260. it took awhile, but finally have them both folding with the gpu3 client. we'll see how it does

    Feb 8, 03:20 PM
    The article at the following URL explains "in great detail" how the Dell & Apple Flat Panels differ:

    Apple seals the panel and associated electronics inside of a case thus protecting these delicate components from dust. Unfortunately, the Dell Flat panel has vents on the top, back of the case which expose these components to dust. I would expect Apple's display to out last that sold by Dell.

    Who said anything about Dell claiming greater contrast. Which of my post said that Dell claimed greater contrast ratio and brightness?. I would never make that claim (The dell website claims that the Dell 24 inch is 700:1 contrast, same as the Apple panels, which just got that upgrade while the Dell panels where that for a while). As to brightness, Dell 24 inch is 400 cd/m2 while the apple 23 inch is also 400 cd/m2. I'm neither a Dell fanboy nor an apple fanboy (as i so fondly point out time after time, i have a apple power G5 mac with a 20 inch Dell monitor). I would never make claims such as Dell monitor is better than Apple monitor unless I knew that to be true.. I pointed out that they used the same panels. Yes, the size may be different but they come off the same manufacturing line. To see Dell specs, here is the link for the 24 inch

    They are the same panels except notice Dell has more features which puzzles me greatly. Apple wants to charge a premium for their monitor and that is fine with me but come on!!!.. have more features than the other guy please!!!.. you know how annonying it is for a Dell fanboy to come up to you and say.. hey, our monitor is the same but mine is better and cheaper (better in terms of more features, not brightness or contrast). If you think features don't matter, you are living in la la land. I like the fact that i can hook up more things to my Dell monitor than i could have with an apple monitor. If the apple monitor was more versatile and offered more features, i'd consider paying the premium but i am not gonna get an overpriced apple monitor cause stevie says so.. I don't see him offering me rides on his boat.. why the hell should i get trapped in his reality distortion field?. Give me something better and i will gladly hand over my money to Stevie so he can get a bigger boat (and without any complaints).

    As to my first glorius revelation, you must be a newbie. you should search for my name in other apple forums. I don't suffer fools gladly (or people who reply to a post too quickly). When i post, i do not expect an instantaneous response. It's ok to google the information before you respond. I can wait!!. If you don't know or understand, say so but do not try to make a point about something you don't know about. You replied to one of my post about how wrong I was that dell and apple were using the same panel and now you claim you don't know about the lcd production process?.. and you complain about me being mean?.. you leave yourself open to such an attack when you start making statements you have no idea are true or not.

    Google is a great resource.. I don't know everything either (i wish i did but unfortunately, time is finite and my brain only has so much capacity).. but I always research stuff on google before posting. It helps (also helps to view the company you are bashing website to see their monitor specs before posting).

    BTW, since the apple 30 inch is definetly a better value than Dell 30 inch (although i am sure Michael will not take that lying down.. watch for dell to suddenly drop prices on their monitors) i am soliciting funds to my "get a apple 30 inch monitor" foundation. I get the feeling i will not be seeing your dollar. Oh well. Maybe I haven't antagonized everyone in all the forums and i can get some donations to my wonderful foundation (whoose sole purpose is to get me a 30 inch apple monitor).

    Oct 17, 12:47 PM
    I haven't read the rest of the thread but yes, absolutely makes sense that Apple support both types of drive. We don't know the outcome yet of the format war - it could go either way. Why alienate, for example, movie makers who would switch to another platform if HD-DVD wasn't supported.

    Sensible move.

    Apr 26, 03:40 AM
    Exactly, I agree one hundred percent.

    The legal liability in letting or encouraging employees of any company to step in and break up a disturbance like the above would be incalculable.

    However, regardless of corporate policy, had/ if something like the above happened in my workplace, I would have stepped in regardless of policy.

    It's depressing how corporate policies created out of fear of liability, have made it easier to be a gutless wonder than a participant in a civil society.

    Of course the employees should have jumped in and stopped the fight, but I agree that McDonalds cannot be held liable for their employee's failure to be decent human beings.

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