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  • JayMysterio
    Dec 6, 07:59 PM
    the kill streak rewards are so low because its practically impossible to get more then 11 kills in one game with the ****** spawns. (unless you get lucky) 25 was feasible in Modern Warfare because it was a much better game and strategic players who knew how to play could get 25 kills cause they were fighting dip *****. in Black Ops everyone (dip ***** and good players alike) seems to be forced into the same run and gun strategy.

    This goes back to Treyarch's seeming desire to reduce the trenched in camping snipers. The real reason that 25 was feasible was because of stacking killstreaks. If you've seen the vids of people getting nukes in record time, it was all based on opening grenade spam salvo, hoping that gets enough for a killstreak, working to a copter, which lead to a nuke. Not necessarily anything based on skill.

    Treyarch has wisely spaced the spawns far enough so opening grenade spams don't work ( unless it's Nuketown and the opposing team runs as a pack into a rolling holy frag grenade ), so if one does lucky with the opening it only leads to an RC XD or perhaps a SAM turret ( hardline pro changing of it is becoming tired, but they claim a fix is coming ), but no cheap additions to a more lethal killstreak.

    The spawning issue which is infuriating at times, but does have a point. It completely destroys camping. Treyarch seemed to make a decision to nerf the whole snipe/camp thing, making sniping more difficult, and camping a risky & questionable proposition. Running & gunning is the way Black Ops seems to go, if you want to camp, stack killstreaks, modern warfare is the way to go. The amount of times I have seen someone going XX kills & 0 deaths I can count on one hand, while in MW2 I had done it quite a few times.

    I think Black Ops has become a nice alternative, and not just a continuation of modern warfare. It gives players choices.

    montego bay beach. JAMAICA The each at Montego
  • JAMAICA The each at Montego

  • gocardsfan1
    May 3, 09:31 PM
    So is this meant to be an ad for the iPad 2 or the future generations? All it does is make me more excited for upcoming models, not the iPad 2 itself. I don't doubt that it will be effective though.

    montego bay beach. Sunset Beach Montego Bay,
  • Sunset Beach Montego Bay,

  • k8to
    Oct 2, 10:18 PM
    When will this hacking nerd do something REALLY positive and productive to the world?

    Last time I heard, his occupation was to break into companies' IPR without any legal permission to do so...not commendable, to say the least.

    Hello "lawyer". No legal permission is required for reverse engineering.

    montego bay beach. Montego Bay All-Inclusive
  • Montego Bay All-Inclusive

  • xUKHCx
    Apr 27, 04:54 AM
    What version of IE are you on?


    Currently 8.0.6001.18702 on Windows XP, not sure of the version of XP as I am on a citrix connection that is locked down so can't check.


    montego bay beach. Half Moon in Montego Bay.
  • Half Moon in Montego Bay.

  • ri0ku
    Dec 4, 06:42 PM
    The way I see it... whats the point in having loads of cool achievements, if your kill/death ratio / scores SUCK.

    If you stats look bad... it doesnt matter what achievements you get.. anyone can get achievements....

    So if anyone plays and tries to get achievements but plays the game in a way that makes them appear stupid (like your example) let them get on with it.

    montego bay beach. Montego Bay | Worldwide Luxury
  • Montego Bay | Worldwide Luxury

  • AlphaBob
    Apr 15, 02:14 PM
    This MAY be a real image. One reason to suspect this is there appear to be dust spots on the camera image. The dust spots stay in the same relative position horizontally and vertically (although there was some movement between the two frames).

    It seems odd to me that somebody would take the time to fake the sensor dust spots and not have them accidentally rotate as a fake image was rotated. Instead they are aligned with the desk.

    Now the writing on the back may be fake, but there was something that appears to have been shifted around and photographed.


    montego bay beach. Montego Bay - Sunset at Sunset
  • Montego Bay - Sunset at Sunset

  • abhimat.gautam
    May 3, 11:52 PM
    Great ad, but the music seemed to fit completely with the "We Believe" ad and not really with this one.

    montego bay beach. JAMAICA The each at Montego
  • JAMAICA The each at Montego

  • jonharris200
    Jan 5, 04:34 PM
    guys don't forget also to quit your chat aps.

    u wait 3 hours for the stream and then...
    an ichat message pops up...
    "Hi buddy. I just went down to the apple store and now I'm writing to you with my new iPhone. Yeah.
    Wanna come over and check it out?"

    Also switch off mobile, unplug landline, wear iPod, raise volume, close curtains, disconnect TV, put head under pillow, sing loudly ... and retreat to a remote Hebridean island until the keynote is posted.

    Alternatively, if you're feeling more extreme...


    montego bay beach. Spa Resort / Montego Bay
  • Spa Resort / Montego Bay

  • Cynicalone
    Apr 29, 02:33 PM
    The macbook air's ship with 2gig standard. They wont leave a computer that new behind.

    Or the new MacBook Air and all other Macs will move to 4GB standard.

    You can use it with 2GB but it is not a very good experience, even with a just handful of Apps open.

    montego bay beach. Montego Bay, Jamaica. Address:
  • Montego Bay, Jamaica. Address:

  • err404
    May 2, 09:47 AM
    I kinda liked the fact i could look at where I've been with my phone.
    Sorta. Since the db wasn't meant to track you, it was not very good for this task. Any tracking info had to be inferred from the cell location data.
    This would be like trying to use the Google Maps caching in Android for location tracking.


    montego bay beach. Montego Bay, Jamaica Hotels
  • Montego Bay, Jamaica Hotels

  • 63dot
    Mar 4, 06:26 PM
    I'm not sure if this is true. According to investigative reporter Alexander Zaitchik's biography of Beck, he's not a very likable person. He went into the project thinking Beck would be sort of like Limbaugh, who even some liberals like when he's not doing his schtick.

    In his early days, the guy could rant a long time, but in such a weird persuasive way as to not hit the audience with an obvious barrage of conservative garbage like older pundit Rush Limbaugh. This was however before Beck came crashing out of the conservative closet. Now he's all about being a conservative bully, but I don't know how many people remember when he was the likable type of guy who pretended to use reason in his arguments.

    His star rose so fast that now he's bigger than the politicians he criticizes (or at least makes multitudes more) and he knows it.

    I hate to think how many people who were on the fence got influenced by Beck, but I am sure it's far more than previous commentators were able to do. The guy is kind of like a cult leader and while some may listen to Limbaugh or Savage, they worship Beck and keep on asking him to run for president. Though he's certainly not qualified, he could move to some states, run for governor, and easily win. He's kind of like a movie star, and we all know how obviously unqualified movie stars have been able to run for governor in a state and win. I hope he stays out of politics but I have a feeling he has an ego, helped greatly by his mass fan base, which may convince him to go into politics:mad:

    montego bay beach. Town/City: Montego Bay
  • Town/City: Montego Bay

  • Cassie
    Jan 13, 01:20 AM
    A lot of whining on these forums the second they reopen.

    I'll log on just to laugh myself silly when I read the threads created by n00bs saying "Why didn't Apple release so-and-so" and "I hate apple, im leaving them foreverz!!!11111!"

    It's sad, really (And slightly disturbing)


    montego bay beach. Sunset Beach Montego Bay,
  • Sunset Beach Montego Bay,

  • l3lack J4ck
    Nov 24, 12:05 AM
    will it serioulsy take them 2 hours to update...becuase now it is 10:00 pst.....

    montego bay beach. Reports ». Click
  • Reports ». Click

  • psingh01
    Mar 24, 04:35 PM
    I remember getting this free (along with a white 'X' t-shirt) at a local Mac store. Don't know where my disc is, but I still wear the shirt :D


    montego bay beach. A Look At Montego Bay, Jamaica
  • A Look At Montego Bay, Jamaica

  • err404
    May 2, 10:06 AM
    I hope performance in gps accuracy isn t affected by it...

    Accuracy, no. Time to lock, maybe slightly when traveling (more so in areas with spotty data coverage).

    montego bay beach. Montego Bay Jamaica
  • Montego Bay Jamaica

  • scu
    Oct 20, 05:51 PM
    Whoa dude. Good for you, but you are playing a *very, very* dangerous game leveraging that much. You don't know what could happen in the stock market. It might not have anything to do with Apple - it could be another terrorist attack in the U.S., or some other world-shaking event overseas (e.g. coup in Russia, revolts in China).

    Don't do it, man. You're already making money on Apple stock - don't get greedy. Let me give you a cautionary tale: in 2000 my stock portfolio went from $100,000 to $30,000 in a matter of days. Not because the market went down by 70%, but rather because I was buying heavily on margin and the market went down by 20 or 30% or more in a few days (more in the tech stocks I owned). And I did *not* own any dot-bomb stocks. I invested in solid tech companies that are still doing well today, like BEA and IBM. The drop in stock price had *nothing* to do with the fundamental strength of the company or even their recent performance. It was just a market-wide overreaction. Give it some serious thought, man...

    P.S. Since then, I've basically only invested in market-indexed funds (mostly S&P 500 but also some international funds since countries like India and China are growing faster than U.S.). I figure if I'm gonna get rich it's going to be based on what's happening in my career/professional life, not based on any investments. I just don't need the grief of seein my hard-earned cash flushed down the drain because of events I have no control over.

    Yes I know it is risky. But my Margin Equity is 53% and I can not see it going down any time soon.


    montego bay beach. Montego Bay Beach Resorts,
  • Montego Bay Beach Resorts,

  • appleguy123
    Apr 27, 06:13 PM
    Hmmm... how can I use this new system to my advantage in the MRville WW game? ;)

    I honestly don't think it would make anything easier.
    What would is changeable polls with user-restricted voting.

    montego bay beach. Montego Bay
  • Montego Bay

  • twoodcc
    May 10, 09:39 PM
    It will be easier once you get moved.

    yeah it should be. i'll be there to fix any problems then

    But it's so fun cursing at the thing because you did something wrong and have to reboot into the firmware yet again. Ahhh, but once you get it right it feels good that you only took 3 days this time, the last time took a week or more :p each time gets a little less painful, usually anyway. :rolleyes:

    haha, yeah it can be fun....when it works. not so fun when things aren't working. but i'll get it

    But you loose the bigadv unit every time almost no?

    i wouldn't say that. it seems this is the only area where i've been kinda lucky. i haven't lost as many bigadv units as some, but i have lost a few

    That is true, unfortunately with my new i7980x I haven't gotten any bigadv units yet, I may need to reinstall folding to see if that works, which means losing a normal unit... And most of the problems were before I had folding going anyway.

    yeah i'm sorry to hear no bigadv units for that monster. yeah reinstalling fah might help. let us know how it goes

    montego bay beach. a each in Montego Bay
  • a each in Montego Bay

  • zoetropeuk
    Sep 26, 07:15 AM
    I am the owner of a Fuji S3 Pro and I bought Aperture 1 about a year ago ($499). And there was no support for Fujifilm Raw files. I returned the item to Apple.

    I checked again today and the Fuji S3 Pro file format is now listed in the Camera Supported page Apple posted for Aperture 1.5 (

    The web page says OPTIMIZED Support. see below

    Aperture 1.5 supports the RAW formats from the following digital cameras, providing optimized support to those cameras followed with an asterisk (*). Shoot JPEG? Using Aperture, you can import JPEG images from virtually all digital cameras.

    FinePix S2 Pro*
    FinePix S3 Pro*

    Does anyone know what this is about?

    Isn't it obvious :eek:

    Aug 2, 02:58 PM
    I have had a chance to browse through the reply (allthough parts of it was cencored):
    - License agreement. Apple distinguish between license agreement for iTunes Jukebox and iTunes Music Store and they mean the government have been mixin this up
    - License agreement. They will do som smaller adjustments (clarifications) around the issue of changes to the license agreement would have effect on previously purchased music, the intention was not to have any effect on previously purchased music
    - License agreement. They will do changes so it will be clearer to the user when the license agreement has been changed
    - DRM, usage of iTunes music files in other players than iPod. They do not give in on this, their argument is 1) it is playable on the PC 2) it may be burned on a CD and played on other CD players. They also blend into the argument that Norway has a fairly new law with respect to music download and copy/usage rights and the different plotical parties and politicians have said "this and that" which may support Apples case. I would assume that sooner or later there will be a court case in order to put more details on the law and its interpretation. This may be it (or not).

    With respect to this having impact on other countries there are some arguments in the letter which quotes EU/E�S laws, however their DRM arguments is mainly reflecting their interpretation of Norwegian law.

    Aug 10, 02:22 PM
    Stoid and Links: Is there a spec sheet enclosed with your new displays? Do they reflect the updated specs? I'm thinking of getting a 23" myself (directly from a local Apple Store), but I'd want to check the serial # (if possible) before I commit.


    Yes and no.
    The spec sheet avoids any mention of brightness or contrast ratio.
    Guess Apple doesn't want to be bothered printing a new manual every time the panel manufacturer does an update.
    Does come with a nice cloth for cleaning the screen though.

    I would make sure you serial number is in the 2A62XXXXXXX range.
    2A7XXXXXXXX would be later if they are at that number yet.

    Apr 10, 10:15 AM
    Technically the Confederacy wasn't defeated until a month later, and even then forces still fought because of how slow news traveled :p, but yea, Lee's surrender was basically the end.


    For example there were some battles in the Kansas/Missouri area at the end of the war that were some of the bloodiest. Of course this area had been part of a guerilla/proxy war before the civil war even began. The animosity between the two sides continued long after the war.

    Dec 10, 07:02 PM
    As mentioned, the spawning is terrible. IMO worse than in MW2 (which seemed hard to believe at first)

    They shouldn't spawn anywhere near me. I hate spawning near the enemies too and die within 5 seconds of spawning. Personally, I'd rather wait 5-10 seconds for a spawning point to open up instead of dying right away.

    Oct 4, 03:15 PM
    Second: the fact that IDF didn't have any "octo" machines derives from the simple and obvious assessment that Apple does NOT have any "octo" machines. Anything else would be just illegal.

    It'd be pretty easy to check actually, and really quite legal. The part of Mac OS X that actually implements SMP is the kernel, which is part of Darwin. You can install Darwin without fear of repurcusions, on your toaster, if you want.

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